Live-cell Tubulin-traker Kit (Green Fluorescence) (A319619)

Live-cell Tubulin-traker Kit (Green Fluorescence)
Confocal high-resolution imaging, SIM, Ultra-high resolution microscopy of living cells, Dynamic 3-D observation of cells.
Principio di kit
Tubulin Green is a fluorescent probe with green fluorescence that can specifically label microtube in living mammalian cells. It has strong water solubility and pH stability; its maximum excitation wavelength is 500 nm, and its maximum emission wavelength is 520 nm. Suitable for Confocal high-definition imaging. Suitable for structured light micro imaging (SIM) live cell research, ultra-high resolution microscopic imaging of live cells, and dynamic observation of cells in three-dimensional space.
Tipo di campione
Live and fixed cells. Tested in U-2OS, HeLa, COS-7, and MDA-MB-231 cells. U-2 OS cells preferred.
Tubulin Green (200 µM), Buffer A (200 µM), Buffer B (1 mM)
Assorbimento massimo
500 nm
Massimi di emissione
520 nm
Shipped at 4°C. Refer to the Protocol Manual for storage conditions of individual components. Do not use past expiration date!
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità
Questo prodotto è solo per uso di ricerca. Non è inteso per uso diagnostico o terapeutico.
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