Anticorpi beta Catenin

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beta Catenin è un gene codificato dal simbolo CTNNB1. Altri nomi includono: Catenin beta-1; Beta-catenin; CTNNB1; CTNNB. beta Catenin ha una massa di 85.5kDa, una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 781, ed è implicato nella malattia: Colorectal cancer; Pilomatrixoma; Medulloblastoma; Ovarian cancer; Mesothelioma, malignant; Neurodevelopmental disorder with spastic diplegia and visual defects; Vitreoretinopathy, exudative 7.

Offriamo 95 anticorpi contro beta Catenin, allevati nel Coniglio, Topo e Capra, che sono adatti per WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, Citometria a Flusso, IP e ChIP con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo, Ratto, Bovino, Scimmia, Pollo, Cane e Criceto.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Key downstream component of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. In the absence of Wnt, forms a complex with AXIN1, AXIN2, APC, CSNK1A1 and GSK3B that promotes phosphorylation on N-terminal Ser and Thr residues and ubiquitination of CTNNB1 via BTRC and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In the presence of Wnt ligand, CTNNB1 is not ubiquitinated and accumulates in the nucleus, where it acts as a coactivator for transcription factors of the TCF/LEF family, leading to activate Wnt responsive genes. Involved in the regulation of cell adhesion, as component of an E-cadherin:catenin adhesion complex. Acts as a negative regulator of centrosome cohesion. Involved in the CDK2/PTPN6/CTNNB1/CEACAM1 pathway of insulin internalization. Blocks anoikis of malignant kidney and intestinal epithelial cells and promotes their anchorage-independent growth by down-regulating DAPK2. Disrupts PML function and PML-NB formation by inhibiting RANBP2-mediated sumoylation of PML (PubMed:17524503, PubMed:18077326, PubMed:18086858, PubMed:18957423, PubMed:21262353, PubMed:22647378, PubMed:22699938, PubMed:22155184). Promotes neurogenesis by maintaining sympathetic neuroblasts within the cell cycle (By similarity).
Sommario di Entrez
The protein encoded by this gene is part of a complex of proteins that constitute adherens junctions (AJs). AJs are necessary for the creation and maintenance of epithelial cell layers by regulating cell growth and adhesion between cells. The encoded protein also anchors the actin cytoskeleton and may be responsible for transmitting the contact inhibition signal that causes cells to stop dividing once the epithelial sheet is complete. Finally, this protein binds to the product of the APC gene, which is mutated in adenomatous polyposis of the colon. Mutations in this gene are a cause of colorectal cancer (CRC), pilomatrixoma (PTR), medulloblastoma (MDB), and ovarian cancer. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.
Specificità del tessuto
Expressed in several hair follicle cell types: basal and peripheral matrix cells, and cells of the outer and inner root sheaths. Expressed in colon. Present in cortical neurons (at protein level). Expressed in breast cancer tissues (at protein level) (PubMed:29367600).
Coinvolgimento nella malattia
Colorectal cancer: A complex disease characterized by malignant lesions arising from the inner wall of the large intestine (the colon) and the rectum. Genetic alterations are often associated with progression from premalignant lesion (adenoma) to invasive adenocarcinoma. Risk factors for cancer of the colon and rectum include colon polyps, long-standing ulcerative colitis, and genetic family history.

Pilomatrixoma: Common benign skin tumor.

Medulloblastoma: Malignant, invasive embryonal tumor of the cerebellum with a preferential manifestation in children.

Ovarian cancer: The term ovarian cancer defines malignancies originating from ovarian tissue. Although many histologic types of ovarian tumors have been described, epithelial ovarian carcinoma is the most common form. Ovarian cancers are often asymptomatic and the recognized signs and symptoms, even of late-stage disease, are vague. Consequently, most patients are diagnosed with advanced disease.

Mesothelioma, malignant: An aggressive neoplasm of the serosal lining of the chest. It appears as broad sheets of cells, with some regions containing spindle-shaped, sarcoma-like cells and other regions showing adenomatous patterns. Pleural mesotheliomas have been linked to exposure to asbestos.

Neurodevelopmental disorder with spastic diplegia and visual defects: An autosomal dominant disorder characterized by global developmental delay, severe intellectual disability with absent or very limited speech, microcephaly, spasticity, and visual abnormalities.

Vitreoretinopathy, exudative 7: A form of exudative vitreoretinopathy, a disorder of the retinal vasculature characterized by an abrupt cessation of growth of peripheral capillaries, leading to an avascular peripheral retina. This may lead to compensatory retinal neovascularization, which is thought to be induced by hypoxia from the initial avascular insult. New vessels are prone to leakage and rupture causing exudates and bleeding, followed by scarring, retinal detachment and blindness. Clinical features can be highly variable, even within the same family. Patients with mild forms of the disease are asymptomatic, and their only disease related abnormality is an arc of avascular retina in the extreme temporal periphery.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the beta-catenin family.
Modifica post-translazionale
Phosphorylation at Ser-552 by AMPK promotes stabilizion of the protein, enhancing TCF/LEF-mediated transcription (By similarity). Phosphorylation by GSK3B requires prior phosphorylation of Ser-45 by another kinase. Phosphorylation proceeds then from Thr-41 to Ser-37 and Ser-33. Phosphorylated by NEK2. EGF stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation. Phosphorylation on Tyr-654 decreases CDH1 binding and enhances TBP binding. Phosphorylated on Ser-33 and Ser-37 by HIPK2 and GSK3B, this phosphorylation triggers proteasomal degradation (PubMed:25169422). Phosphorylation on Ser-191 and Ser-246 by CDK5. Phosphorylation by CDK2 regulates insulin internalization. Phosphorylation by PTK6 at Tyr-64, Tyr-142, Tyr-331 and/or Tyr-333 with the predominant site at Tyr-64 is not essential for inhibition of transcriptional activity.
Posizione cellulare
Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton. Cell junction > Adherens junction. Cell junction. Cell membrane. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton > Microtubule organizing center > Centrosome. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton > Spindle pole. Cell junction > Synapse. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton > Cilium basal body.

Colocalized with RAPGEF2 and TJP1 at cell-cell contacts (By similarity). Cytoplasmic when it is unstabilized (high level of phosphorylation) or bound to CDH1. Translocates to the nucleus when it is stabilized (low level of phosphorylation). Interaction with GLIS2 and MUC1 promotes nuclear translocation. Interaction with EMD inhibits nuclear localization. The majority of beta-catenin is localized to the cell membrane. In interphase, colocalizes with CROCC between CEP250 puncta at the proximal end of centrioles, and this localization is dependent on CROCC and CEP250. In mitosis, when NEK2 activity increases, it localizes to centrosomes at spindle poles independent of CROCC. Colocalizes with CDK5 in the cell-cell contacts and plasma membrane of undifferentiated and differentiated neuroblastoma cells. Interaction with FAM53B promotes translocation to the nucleus (PubMed:25183871).
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta Antibody (B7022) -
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Immunocytochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [EM-22] (A86464) -
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Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [ARC0136] (A307069) -
Visualizza prodottoKnockout convalidato
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [15B8] (A248294) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [15B8] - BSA and Azide free (A251476) -
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta (phospho Ser37) Antibody (A7023) -
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [rCTNNB1/2173] (A248291) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo monospecificoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/2030R] (A248301) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo monospecificoAnticorpo ricombinante
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (AB0095) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/2030R] - BSA and Azide free (A251483) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo monospecificoAnticorpo ricombinante
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [5H10] (A248295) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [6F9] - BSA and Azide free (A251478) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [rCTNNB1/2173] - BSA and Azide free (A251473) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo monospecificoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [6F9] (A248296) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [5H10] - BSA and Azide free (A251477) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (A12611) -
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta1 Antibody (C10546) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta Antibody (B7023) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
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Segnaposto immagine - Scopri di più spendendo meno
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody - BSA and Azide free (A251484) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [9F2] (A248297) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [rCTNNB1/1507] (A248292) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (A248302) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (A80679) -
Segnaposto immagine - Scopri di più spendendo meno
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [9F2] - BSA and Azide free (A251479) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [rCTNNB1/1507] - BSA and Azide free (A251474) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1507] - BSA and Azide free (A251480) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1509] - BSA and Azide free (A251482) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [12F7] (A248292) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin (phospho Thr41 + Ser45) Antibody (A7024) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1509] (A248300) -
ELISA - Anti-Catenin-beta (phospho Tyr489) Antibody (P12-1086) -
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1508] - BSA and Azide free (A251481) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1507] (A248298) -
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta (phospho Tyr654) Antibody (A0837) -
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Catenin-beta (phospho Tyr489) Antibody (A8009) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/1508] (A248299) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [12F7] - BSA and Azide free (A251474) -
Immunofluorescence - Anti-PRDM14 Antibody (A121177)
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin (phospho Ser33 + Ser37 + Thr41) Antibody (A11003) -
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (A80413) -
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta Antibody (B7024) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody (A80497) -
Visualizza prodottoKnockout convalidato
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin (phospho Ser29 + Ser33 + Ser37 + Thr41) Antibody (A308843) -
Western Blot - Anti-Catenin-beta Antibody (B8009) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Western Blot - Anti-beta Catenin (phospho Ser552) Antibody (A11057) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-beta Catenin Antibody [CTNNB1/2098] - BSA and Azide free (A251471) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo monospecifico

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