Anticorps Histone H3.3

9 produits

Histone H3.3 est un gène codé par le symbole H3-3A. Communément appelé aussi: H3-3A; H3.3A; H3F3; H3F3A. Histone H3.3 a une masse de 15.33kDa, une longueur d'acide aminé de 136, et est impliqué dans Glioma.

Nous proposons 9 des anticorps contre Histone H3.3, élevé dans Lapin, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, IP et ChIP avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris et Rat.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Variant histone H3 which replaces conventional H3 in a wide range of nucleosomes in active genes. Constitutes the predominant form of histone H3 in non-dividing cells and is incorporated into chromatin independently of DNA synthesis. Deposited at sites of nucleosomal displacement throughout transcribed genes, suggesting that it represents an epigenetic imprint of transcriptionally active chromatin. Nucleosomes wrap and compact DNA into chromatin, limiting DNA accessibility to the cellular machineries which require DNA as a template. Histones thereby play a central role in transcription regulation, DNA repair, DNA replication and chromosomal stability. DNA accessibility is regulated via a complex set of post-translational modifications of histones, also called histone code, and nucleosome remodeling.
Résumé Entrez
Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Two molecules of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) form an octamer, around which approximately 146 bp of DNA is wrapped in repeating units, called nucleosomes. The linker histone, H1, interacts with linker DNA between nucleosomes and functions in the compaction of chromatin into higher order structures. This gene contains introns and its mRNA is polyadenylated, unlike most histone genes. The protein encoded is a replication-independent member of the histone H3 family.
Implication dans la maladie
Glioma: Gliomas are benign or malignant central nervous system neoplasms derived from glial cells. They comprise astrocytomas and glioblastoma multiforme that are derived from astrocytes, oligodendrogliomas derived from oligodendrocytes and ependymomas derived from ependymocytes.
Similitudes de séquence
Belongs to the histone H3 family.
Modification post-traductionnelle
Acetylation is generally linked to gene activation. Acetylation on Lys-10 (H3K9ac) impairs methylation at Arg-9 (H3R8me2s). Acetylation on Lys-19 (H3K18ac) and Lys-24 (H3K24ac) favors methylation at Arg-18 (H3R17me). Acetylation at Lys-123 (H3K122ac) by EP300/p300 plays a central role in chromatin structure: localizes at the surface of the histone octamer and stimulates transcription, possibly by promoting nucleosome instability.
Localisation cellulaire
Nucleus. Chromosome.
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation - Anti-Histone H3.3 Antibody [ARC0255] (A306483) -
Western Blot - Anti-Histone H3.3 (phospho Thr3) Antibody [ARC1662] (A307002) -
Western Blot - Anti-Histone H3.3 Antibody (A88459) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Voir le roduitAnticorps Recombinant
Western Blot - Anti-Histone H3.3 Antibody (A8556) -
Anti-Histone H3.3 Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS9952M) -
Western blot - Histone H3.3 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41019) -
Anti-Histone H3.3 (K27) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1752) -
Histone H3.3 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (42256) -

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